Isabel the Catholic

  • Published in Specials

Isabel the Catholic: a woman who didn't allow herself to be tied down by the expectations of her time; a faithful spouse and a dedicated mother; a queen who took her responsibilities seriously and who did not give up her rights and duties, as some expected her to; a reformer who wasn't afraid to demand that the religious and the powerful of the time fulfill their obligations; a government that sought the good of all its subjects; a missionary who, without ever having left her country, took the faith to a new world; a believer of a profound faith and such a strong union with God that would make you wonder if she shouldn't be canonized.


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proclericis          ewtn
CultuDivino           AINeed

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Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, up until now we have been able to continue our evangelization through the media. The needs, however, are growing and many times there are unexpected expenses due to maintenance, the purchasing of new machines, etc.

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