

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and HM Television present this production on the Liturgy, which is the great prayer, surpassing all others,which the Church, with Christ at her head, offers to God the Father. As Cardinal Cañizares, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrament, says in the video, “There has been a great liturgical renewal, however it has been restricted to the exterior elements. There was an emphasis on participation, however the faithful have not been sufficiently instructed on the importance of responding.” This video is a response to this call to increase awareness in the greatness and splendour of the invisible hidden in the visible of the Liturgy.

Alter Christus


Special interviews contained on this video: Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, Prefét de la Congrégation pour le Culte Divin et la Discipline of des Sacrements, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefét Emérite de la Congrégation pour le Culte Divin et la Discipline of des Sacrements, Mgr. Guido Marini, Maitre des célébrations liturgiques pontificales, Archêveque Joseph Augustine di Noia, O.P., Vice-président de la Commission pontificale "Ecclesia Dei"

Cardenal Piacenza


Durée approximative: 30 min.
Prix: 12 € 






MP4 - 4 Pack

Prix: 10 €

1- Liturgie
2- L'Adoration Eucharistique
3- L'Eucharistie
4- La Messe

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