Cast out your nets: Br. Brian Jackson, SHM

"Imagine a fully devoted life." That's the frase that impelled Br. Brian Jackson to change his life and awakened in him the desire to devote his life completely to God. Beforehand Br. Brian had been tempted to leave the Catholic Church and become Protestant. Once this temptation was rejected, his love for Jesus made him want to proclaim Jesus' love to everyone. He tells us about his first apostolic activities and how he met the Servant Brothers and become part of them. He also tells us about how they evangelize through the mass media and their new initiative called Catholic Stuff.


We collaborate with:

proclericis          ewtn
CultuDivino           AINeed

How can I help?

Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, up until now we have been able to continue our evangelization through the media. The needs, however, are growing and many times there are unexpected expenses due to maintenance, the purchasing of new machines, etc.

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