In "Front Page," the HM Television edition team puts together thought-provoking reflections, convincing arguments, and first-hand experiences from our various programs. Just like the front page of the newspaper, "Front Page" offers you short clips of our interviews to keep you up on the most important subjects presented by HM Television guests.

Front Page: Learning How to Pray

January Donovan tells us how she came to realize the importance of prayer and how she little by little learned how to pray and make it a priority in her life.

Front Page: Long Live the Cross of Christ

Fr. Luis Montes tells us that what is amazing about the persecuted Christians isn't just their martyrdom, but their example of forgiveness. He shares some examples and how they make Christians examine their own lives. By their example, the persecuted Christians teach him how he must be a priest, that is, a victim with the victim Christ.

Front Page: Christ Will Reward You Always

Fr. Luis Montes, missionary priest of the Institute of the Encarnate Word, reminds us that whatever we do for the persecuted Christians - whether big or small - will have its recompense, because not even one glass of water will be left without reward.

Front Page: If It's Everything, It's Everything

Sister Maria de Guadalupe Rodrigo, SSVM, who the Syrian Christians –persecuted and harassed by the Islamic State – call “their ambassador,” tells us her vocation story. Whoever meets this brave and generous missionary cannot imagine that she did not want to be a religious. The idea that helped her to find the congregation to which she now belongs was, “No, I am not going to leave everything to have everything once again. To do that, I could just not leave anything and stay at home. If it’s everything, it’s everything!”

Front Page: What Love Demands of Us

In this episode of "Front Page," María José Arranz, wife and mother, teaches us about the place for obedience and service in married life. She explains why these virtues do not enslave but liberate, intensifying love in the marriage.

Front Page: Evangelization and Social Media

In this episode of "Front Page", Nicole Santiago tells us about how she began working with Lumen Entertainment, what they do there and the importance of using social media to get the Gospel message out.


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