Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory

  • Published in Video Clips

"Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory" is meant to help us take to heart an important lesson: every one of our words, actions, and omissions have eternal consequences. No one can enter into Heaven without having first been perfectly purified. Praying for the souls in Purgatory is a work of mercy. Let's spread this prayer. One day, we may need them to pray for us.

Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory

Very dear spouses of the Lord,

enclosed in the prison of Purgatory,

you who suffer unspeakable pains
while in want of God's presence
 until purified,
like gold in the crucible,
 of the remains of your faults.

How rightfully do you cry out
to your friends 
from those voracious
flames, begging for mercy!
I sympathize with your pain
would like to supply enough [merits]

to satisfy for you before the Divine Justice.

Yet, being poorer than you,

I appeal to the piety of the just,

the prayers of the blessed,

the unfathomable treasure of the Church,

the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

and the infinite price of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Grant, oh Lord, these poor souls

their longed for consolation and rest.
I also trust, grateful souls,

that I will have powerful intercessors in you,

who will obtain from the Lord [for me]

grace to detest my sins,

advance in virtue,
 subdue my passions,

and reach the eternal beatitude

for all eternity. Amen.


We collaborate with:

proclericis          ewtn
CultuDivino           AINeed

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