Cast Out Your Nets: Jenna Willis

Jenna Willis is a 22-year-old from Loveland, Colorado. She served as a student missionary with FOCUS in Colorado State University and was particularly active in the Pro-life movement. Now, having graduated, she teaches confirmation class to kids ages 11-13. "It´s not through us that we convert souls but through the Holy Spirit!"

Cast Out Your Nets: Taylor Reynolds

Taylor Reynolds is a 3rd year seminarian from the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana, who is currently studying in Rome. By participating in Prison Ministry, he meets with a group of English speakers in the prison with hopes of encouraging them in the faith and bringing them a reason for true joy. He finds his strength in prayer and in the sacraments, especially in confession and in Eucharistic Adoration. He has come to realize that God is never outdone in generosity and that every moment is an opportunity to bring the message of salvation to the world, even in the little things of every day.


We collaborate with:

proclericis          ewtn
CultuDivino           AINeed

How can I help?

Thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, up until now we have been able to continue our evangelization through the media. The needs, however, are growing and many times there are unexpected expenses due to maintenance, the purchasing of new machines, etc.

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