Cast Out Your Nets: Br. Kevin Deakon, SHM

Can you evangelize on a football field? Here is a new episode of Cast Out Your Nets. Br. Kevin Deakon, Servant Brother of the Home of the Mother, shares his experience of apostolate, including stories of his time as part of the missionary community that the Servant Brothers and Priests have in Guayquil, Ecuador. Aware of his own weakness, he shares with us the reality of how Christ gives him strength through prayer and how God makes up for our inadequacies; we have to sow the seeds, but it is God who will bring forth the fruit.

Cast Out Your Nets: Br. Matthew Nobrega, SHM

Br. Matthew is a Servant Brother of the Home of the Mother. In this new episode of Cast out your nets he shares with us his experience of evangelization and apostolate. Answering St. John Paul II's call to live a culture of life, Br. Matthew recalls his experiences of side walk counseling as a way that he was able to speak about God to others. Now, as a Servant Brother, his apostolate is different, but remains very active, especially with the youth, the Home of the Mother's third mission in the Church. Find out more in this new episode of Cast out your Nets from H.M. Television.

Cast Out Your Nets - Elsie Oyoo

Elsie Oyoo is from Kenya and is currently studying in Rome. Today in "Cast out your Nets" she shares her testimony of evangelization with us. She doesn't separate her life from her apostolate and tells us how, for her, her whole life has to be an apostolate. A letter written by St. John Paul II to encourage young people to open their hearts to God, was a great inspiration for her life.

Cast Out Your Nets: Scottie Gratton

Seminarian in the Diocese of Burlington, Vermont. He is 25 years old, and this is his 4th year in the seminary, the 4th of 6 years, God willing. One of the best parts of the seminary is that it has a pillar dedicated to pastoral ministry. The seminarians are entrusted with ministries in which they are sent out to serve people, donating their time. He has done apostolate in prisons, taught catechesis to children from 11-12 years old, worked with boys from inner-city schools, and recently he has finished two years of work in a nursing home in Rome with the Little Sisters of the Poor taking care of elderly that cannot take care of themselves and whose families do not have enough money to help them. In reality, his time there consisted in "spreading joy." It is the Lord who works through him.

Cast Out Your Nets: John Noronha

John was born in India but later moved to the United States and worked in telecommunications. After earning a master’s degree in philosophy, he moved to Rome where he now teaches numerous subjects including theology and art and architecture. With his wife, Ashley, he carries out an apostolate of leading tours around Rome, helping small groups to find the truths of faith in art. In this new episode of Cast Out Your Nets, he shares with us this experience and how he tries to transmit the love of Christ to all those whom he comes into contact with.

Cast Out Your Nets: Trevor Downey

‘Sharing the faith helps us to grow in the faith,’ says seminarian Trevor Downey in this episode of Cast Out Your Nets. He shares with us his conversion back to the Catholic faith and his later call to the priesthood. He also tells us about his apostolate, in which he considers himself to be a simple instrument. He explains the different types of apostolate that he’s carried out, including "el Camino de Santiago" (the Way of St. James), a fundamental experience which helped him and those with him to discover the need for true conversion and how, on this pilgrimage of life, we have to have eyes of faith.


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